Monday, September 26, 2011

First Kiln Opening

I have to say I was so excited to open the kiln for the first time.  I had no clue how my pieces would turn out.  I did have one major disaster, a couple of disappointments and some great successes.  I wish I could acutally show how the pieces turned out but it seems the camera made some look better and the good ones look not as exciting, go figure :)

The Good...
The Disappointing...
The disaster...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Not to worry

Not to worry, I am keeping up with making my pottery.  I think it was getting boring showing unfinished pieces so I decided to post again after I get them glazed.  I am keeping a list of what I made and will post pictures in the order made.  I have completed 25 so far.  The big problem now is getting my hands on some more clay as I am about out.